Invent for the Planet


Click here to register your team now! 

Registration for Invent For The Planet 2024 is closed.

Welcome to Invent For The Planet at New Mexico State University! This 48-hour Intensive Design Experience (IDE) engages students at different universities around the world on a single weekend to solve high-impact, global problems. An IDE is a concentrated period of time during which students focus on designing, building and then selling a solution to a real-world problem that has been provided by an industry or agency partner.

Invent For The Planet is held in multiple locations across the globe, simultaneously, and one of the locations is the Aggie Innovation Space (AIS) at NMSU. New groups will join the race to innovation as time travels across the world. Student teams will work on provided design challenges in local teams and will be encouraged to connect with teams across the globe as they come online.

During Invent For The Planet, students design a solution to a real-world Need Statement and then pitch their new product to a panel of judges. First, second, and third place teams will receive scholarship prizes. The first-place team from NMSU has the opportunity to be selected to compete at Texas A&M for the final round of presentations.

This IDE is free for students and is a great resume builder, as well as an opportunity to make connections with companies and students from all over the world. The AIS will provide meals throughout the weekend and the resources of AIS will be available to the students participating in the event. Teams consist of 4-6 students from any department, both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to help change the world!


The four teams that completed Invent for the Planet 2020, along with the Aggie Innovators who ran the event and assisted participants throughout the weekend.
NMSU's first-place IFTP team. Their innovative solution to a need statement concerning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch involved a GPS beacon equipped buoy with plastic-collecting seabins, and an automated retrieval system.



Crustacean – NMSU 1st Place Team Video

Invent For The Planet at Texas A&M